23 October, 2007

Southern California Anneals

The word, "anneal" has always been one of my favorites. Anneal means to heat glass or metal to such a high temperature that it removes internal stresses in order to strengthen and toughen it. I am fascinated by words and the alchemical processes language describes. Right now, areas of Southern California and in particular, where I live in San Diego, there is a huge annealing process going on that the media refers to as Firestorm 2007.

The fires have reflected an element of purging and transformation that has been going on in my own life; and now, makes me think a similar process is present for thousands of others. Maybe we need to be renamed, Southern Kali-fornia in honor of the powerful Hindu goddess.

It has been quite a year for me already with much re-ordering in my life and releasing people, places and things. When it came time to be pro-active and pack a few things incase we, too, needed to evacuate, the process seemed simpler. In addition to some basics and some important official documents, I packed a few special photographs for us, my first edition Science of Mind and Spirit textbook, and a lacy new bra I had just bought. I knew I would be so frustrated to think that I had been saving my new bra for yet another special occasion and not gotten to wear it.

By the way, as a reminder, remember the practical things like your cell phone and laptop power supplies. Medicine, reading glasses, passports, keys, flashlights, maps and such are really critical. Of course, by now we all know to pack: water, emergency food for yourselves and your animals, a hat, a jacket, a change of undies and socks, toothbrush and toothpaste, hand sanitizer, blankets, pillows, paper, pen, small scissors, sunblock, comfortable shoes, and perhaps something to read or do to fill time. Also, remember to select someone locally and out of state that you can call as a contact point for other family members to call and check in on your safety and well-being. And keep your car tank filled so that if you need to evacuate or help someone else, you are prepared.

Yesterday, Don and I took supplies to Qualcomm Stadium where many of the evacuees are staying. We experienced a deeper insight into what it must have been like for people affected by Katrina. So I want to acknowledge the amazing team of paid and volunteer workers who have rallied to aid this city. It goes without saying that the firefighters are among the most courageous men and women I could ever imagine. Kudos also go out to the police and the teams eho helped with the evacuations or with other critical needs. At Qualcomm, we were so impressed at the grace with which the officers and volunteers were directing traffic; routing people to the appropriate areas; AND doing so with such compassion and dignity. It was so heartening to see how the city also responded with bringing the items requested. You could tell that some people had gone out and bought new pillows and blankets to bring along with donations of water and food. An interesting sidebar is that I noticed how I suddenly judged our contribution as being paltry in comparison to the people who had gone out and bought new bedding and linen to donate. Isn't it interesting how the ego can wreak havoc even in a crisis?

When I went to NIFCU today in La Mesa, the branch was closed. Most people managed to deal with that by simply using the ATM or leaving. I was struck by one woman who arrived and was verbally grousing that there was no reason this branch had to be closed since it was not affected by the fire. I noticed that I judged her for not having more sensitivity to the bigger picture. Ooops. After all, it is surreal for all of us who are going about our daily activities on a sunny San Diego day to know that only miles away others are facing travesties of nature. Time to self-correct. Hey, does anyone know where to buy metaphysical White-Out?

Today, I bought more supplies to take when I heard other basics such as toothpaste, chaptstick, etc. were needed. We heard that Qualcomm was not accepting more donations because they had more than needed. Instead, we could drop off supplies to Granite Hills High School. Once we arrived, we learned that we had been given erroneous information and this was not a donation site. It was frustrating to feel we weren't able to contribute but of course, we know that everyone is doing their best. I was grateful tonight that one of the news reports advised people to not go to any of the evacuation sites to volunteer or donate without getting clear advice or directions. And for anyone who is willing and able, there are volunteer opportunities being coordinated by Volunteer San Diego. You must register first and you can sign up for Wildfire 07 if that is your only interest at this time.
email: volunteer1@volunteersandiego.org
phone: 858-636-4131
web: http://www.volunteersandiego.org

We are all drawn to doing our prayers in different ways. Of course, we may have very specific people and places in the city to which we are connected that call for our primary attention and concern. And I want to offer a reminder to send out prayers and thoughts of love to the animals who are impacted by this crisis as well. Several of our local humane shelters and other animal sanctuaries are either already evacuated or in risk areas. The public learned a harsh lesson from Katrina about how animals often get ignored or neglected during a major disaster. Even if an animal is not separated from it's human family, they sense the stress and fear and are more keen to the smell of smoke and fire.

Thank you one and all who are sending their light and love and active
prayers to all of my fellow residents of San Diego. Don't for one second think that you are not doing something vital to help. Your loving support makes it possible for us to hang in and carry on.

Out of this nettle, danger, we pluck this flower, safety.
~William Shakespeare

(nb: My original post of this on Tuesday night somehow got bolloxed up and the editing was all askew. My apologies if anyone read the blog and wondered just what kind of smoke I had been inhaling....)


ellie said...

We went down to Qualcomm on Monday, also, with some pizzas, and were just amazed at how much love was there. People were flooding in with food, supplies, time. We both left with tears in our eyes from gratitude.

Anonymous said...

I remember that you also went to the 99 cent store and bought items to help those in Katrina.

Wait a minim.....

Tonight, we rented the new film, "The Fabelmans" and loved it.  Incredible performances, screenwriting and story-telling.  I espec...