30 October, 2007

Panties for Peace

Got your attention didn't it?

Lest you think I am referring to some warped cosmic Halloween stunt, The Week reports there is a growing momentum for a campaign to achieve democracy in Myanmar. According to the magazine, this peace campaign is happening by mailing packets of women's underwear to Myanmar's embassies around the world. Activists hope to defeat the ruling junta by exploiting the superstition that contact with ladies' personal garments will sap a man's strength. New meaning to trick or treat.

On a lighter note, this Saturday, as a light rain fell on San Diego, I was showered with love. Dr. Jim opened up The HeartSpace for a gaggle of giggling goddesses to gather for the express purpose of tossing me a Bridal Shower.

Parties in general, make me uncomfortable, so I took great care in preparing myself to be open and surrendered to being present for this lovely event. Danielle, Grace and Uilani were the co-hosts and they gifted me with such a sweet afternoon. Instead of the more traditional shower with party games and male strippers, I requested that guests bring an affirmation, a song, a picture or such that they could share and what it means to them. It was so wonderful to hear and see the array of creativity and thought that went into what was gifted to me. There were even e-mails from long-distance friends who were unable to attend. Also, I was given a recipe (that I am sure Don will appreciate) and several wonderful gifts that belong in that cooking room. And I won't go into how we did manage to take a perfectly wonderful, heartfelt story and make it ever-so-slightly X-rated and had all of us laughing (and blushing).

On Sunday, I attended a meditation service at the local yoga studio. I learned that it's spiritual leader, Sri Chimnoy had made his transition on Oct. 13th. He was quite a remarkable man in so many ways both in his physical and spiritual prowess. Sunshine and I got to see him in person at a concert here in San Diego earlier this year. You might also be familiar with the Jyoti Bijanga vegetarian restaurant on Adams Avenue that is run by his disciples. His artwork is so colorful and joyful.

Later on, I am happy to say that the Boston Red Sox creamed the Colorado Rockies to win the World Series, 4-0. Wooohooo! Although I personally feel that the nine day lay-off for the Rockies took it's toll on a dynamite team, I was still rooting for the Sox and they played like the seasoned pros they are. Way to go Terry Francone on getting two rings in four years. Now let's see what Mike Lowell does. A-Rod to Boston? Hmmm...

Monday was filled with tasks, chores and errands. Don and I are working very painstakingly on completing projects and chores around the house in advance of my trip before the wedding. We are clearing out his storage unit and integrating more of his things with mine. (awwwwwww). It was important to me to release the king-size bed I currently have and instead, bring out of storage Don's queen-size bed and headboard. No small task. Gratefully, the very strong and able men from Father Joe's showed up today and carted away the bed that I bought in 2001 when I needed a large, plumpfy bed for David, Rosebud, Zeke and Nick and me. Hope it doesn't sound too old-fashioned, but it was intrinsically important to me to release that bed before my wedding/marriage to Don. Not to mention, it will give us more room in the bedroom and the cherry headboard will look so nice with decor in the bedroom. The wrinkle is that the big bed is gone but they arrived too late for Don and his able sidekick, JohnnyK to retrieve Don's bed out of storage. Tonight, I will be sleeping on the settee and Don will be having a sleepover at Kasa Kurko. Hey, you don't think this was all planned and it is a bachelor party in disguise?

A recent online survey of 60,000 people determined that the least attractive residents of any U.S. city live in Philadelphia, Washington D.C. and Dallas/Ft.Worth. will try to not be too smug that the cities with the most attractive residents are Miami and San Diego. When I go to Washington D.C. next week, I will see for myself. (Doncha wanna know who created this poll and what was the criteria used for determination? Miami? Attractive?)

"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.
" Oscar Wilde

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Wait a minim.....

Tonight, we rented the new film, "The Fabelmans" and loved it.  Incredible performances, screenwriting and story-telling.  I espec...