14 September, 2007

EEEEEK! A mouse!

OK, it wasn't a mouse. It was a lizard. A big lizard. I reacted like a girly-girl wuss when he went squiggling out from behind Belle's litter box. At first, I thought it was a snake because he was longer than most little lizards I see. I don't know who was more startled -- the lizard or me.

I spent the next hour trying to coax him into a box so that I could take him outside before Belle came out and found him. (By the way, how do you tell if a lizard is a boy or a girl? Nevermind. I don't think I would actually check even if you told me how).

Because of the splint on my left (sprained) wrist, the mechanics of what I was trying to do became quite comical. I created a cardboard fortress around the little guy and did my best to tap or thump him into the open boxes because I was unable to lift up the full litter tray to get to him. Argh.

For a short time, I stopped acting like a porcelain priss and began to act like an animal practitioner. My fears stopped while I chanted and did some HeartMath breathing with and for the creature. He poked out his cute little head and I felt sure he was going to have no other choice but to effortlessly walk into that open box. NOT.

While my back was turned, he managed to sneak through and he caught me unawares (again) in the kitchen and I squealed (again) and he ran into the corner. I had told him I was trying to get him outside to keep him safe from our cat; that I was not going to hurt him. I moved a few more boxes around and he started to scamper and I threw a box down to go over him. My clumsy attempt dropped the box on him and only the front part of his body was covered. His little butt and legs were wiggling under the box and I felt horrible. I had promised him I wasn't going to hurt him. I managed to lift up the box and quickly replace it over him. By now I was sweating. My mind was racing as to what was the best option. I felt that my timing was not as good as his and if I lifted the box to catch him, he could run loose and get away from me and into the house where I might not find him but Belle would.

OK, I needed to regroup and he probably needed to rest. I put something heavy on top of the box so he couldn't get out (are lizards as strong as ants?) and I took a walk. I talked to Don on his break and we agreed that we would have a better chance to rescue him together. Don assured me that the little guy would have enough oxygen to last till he could get home and we could get him out from his cardboard jail.

Belle was indeed curious and sat vigil in front of the box for a long while. While I was in the kitchen fixing dinner, Belle began caterwauling for a snack and I was so worried that our guest was freaking out hearing her and thinking she was stalking him.

I don't take these kinds of things randomly yet I have no clue as to what he represents for me at this time. I did think I felt a small tremor this evening so I wonder if we are having some minor earthquakes and that always stirs up the creatures.

Also got word today that the Best Friends Animals and Religion Summit will indeed be taking our proclamation to Washington D.C. on November 7th. We will present it on the Capitol Steps before Congress recesses for the year. I am so excited about this groundbreaking and revolutionary event. For those of you who are interested to learn more and to follow the details as they come into place, please visit:


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1 comment:

Inspired Service said...

If anyone cares, when I got home I asked Duchess to guard Belle in another room while I retrieved the lizard. I said confidently, "I will only be 10 seconds." Instead, it took 5 minutes of chasing the little green sprinter around the kitchen until I could corner him and pick him up. As I took him outside I said, "All you had to do is stand still for a couple of seconds and this would have been over sooner!"

The visiting reptile is safe in the neighbor's yard. Duchess is again calm. Belle is wondering what the heck has been happening today!


Wait a minim.....

Tonight, we rented the new film, "The Fabelmans" and loved it.  Incredible performances, screenwriting and story-telling.  I espec...